Micro-Irrigation Technician: The individual holds a very critical role in the installation and function of a micro-irrigation system that not only uses the existing natural resources efficiently but also benefits the farmers in terms of decreased cost of cultivation in the long run.
SUB-SECTOR: Agriculture Crop production
OCCUPATION: Precision Farming
ALIGNED TO: NCO-2015/3142.0101
Micro-Irrigation Technician: The individual holds a very critical role in the installation and function of a micro-irrigation system that not only uses the existing natural resources efficiently but also benefits the farmers in terms of decreased cost of cultivation in the long run. Brief Job Description: The individual is responsible for the Installation, Testing, and Commissioning of the Micro Irrigation System at the field level and thus ensures an uninterrupted supply of water to the plant stand on the farm.
Personal Attributes: This job requires the individual to work independently and be comfortable in making decisions pertaining to his/her area of work. Requires clarity, and skill to basic arithmetic and algebraic principles. The individual should be result and is responsible for his own working and learning. The individual should also be able to demonstrate skills of using various tools and decision-making for instant problem-solving.